Renowned Afrobeat sensation Tiwa Savage recently shared a piece of unfortunate news with her ardent fans that she is temporarily stepping away from performing. The reason for this hiatus is her contraction of a virus, which has forced her to undergo an extended period of strict vocal rest, spanning several months.
Tiwa Savage’s heartfelt message, conveyed through her social media platforms and addressed to her loyal fan base, affectionately known as the “Savage Soldiers,” reflects her disappointment at not being able to grace the stage with her electrifying performances.
This decision was undoubtedly challenging for the artist, as performing is not just a profession but also her passion. Nevertheless, she has spoken that this break is essential to ensure her complete recovery and to preserve the pristine quality of her voice for future endeavors.
“To my dear Savage Soldiers, I’ve been fig@ting off a virus for the past few weeks and was today firmly instructed to be on strict vocal rest for the next new months.
I will unfortunately have to postpone all performances including my first ever headline arena show in London.
I’m heartbroken and devastated but I have to do this to save what’s left of my voice. I’m so sorry. I love you all and promise to be back performing once I’m fully healed.”
These trying times follow a series of incidents that have placed Tiwa Savage in the spotlight for reasons other than her music.
Several months ago, controversial media personality Kemi Olunloyo brought attention to aan alleged kidnapping attempt involving Tiwa Savage. According to Kemi, the incident implicated a new employee and a driver, but she reassured the public that the authorities had promptly arrested and interrogated those involved. Tiwa Savage herself did not make any public statements to confirm or refute these allegations, adding an element of ambiguity to the situation.
Despite the recent challenges she has faced, Tiwa Savage has not shied away from sharing some personal insights with her fans.
When inquired about the secret behind her ever-youthful appearance, she playfully attributed her good genes to her mother. In a heartwarming Instagram post dedicated to her mother on Mother’s Day, she conveyed her profound gratitude and celebrated the influence of her family.