Actress Empress Njamah recently had her followers roaring with laughter as she shared a comical video on Instagram. In the video, she demonstrated a rather unique approach to enjoying fried rice, and her followers couldn’t help but burst into fits of giggles. Empress began the video by insisting that the best way to savor fried rice was with an air of sophistication and delicacy.
She decided to use a spoon at first to make her point but then swiftly shifted to using a fork. This change in utensils marked a pivotal moment in the video, as she began taking minuscule bites with an exaggerated sense of pretentiousness.
jamah teaches Nigerians good culinary skills
The hilarious aspect came when she offered an explanation for her peculiar eating style. Empress revealed that her behavior was driven by her current health condition – Malaria.
earlier this year we revealed that Empress Njamah was involved in a rather serious controversy with her ex-lover. The saga began with a post hinting that she was engaged, but this notion was promptly debunked when her friends disclosed that she was being blackmailed by her former partner.
The situation escalated when her ex-lover decided to take it a step further by releasing explicit and intimate videos of their shared moments, including her bathing. He initially threatened to expose these videos, and when Empress refused to comply with his demands, he went ahead and made them public.
The catch, however, was that he continued to express his longing and affection for her as he released these private videos, adding an even more bizarre twist to the situation. For Empress, it was an exceptionally challenging period. Thankfully, there was some respite in 2023 when her ex-lover was arrested, putting an end to this distressing chapter of her life.
Recalling another heartfelt moment in Empress Njamah’s life, in July 2023, she posted a heartfelt farewell message to Ada Emeh, who had passed away a year earlier. Ada Emeh and Empress had shared an exceptionally close and profound friendship. In her touching tribute to Ada Emeh, she delved into the treasure trove of cherished memories, evoking powerful emotions among her followers.